Shared Happiness and Fulfillment

Our mission is to guide everyone in reaching their full potential.

At Plenicidad, we know that happiness and fulfillment are never complete if they are not shared. One of the ways to achieve this is through collaboration and donations to non-profit organisations.

Any contribution, however small it may seem, contributes to the growth of everyone together.

Your donations change lives.

We collaborate with several NGOs, such as UNHCR and Unicef.

We commit to donating at least 3% of the price you pay for our services.

Likewise, we collaborate with non-profit organisations through different volunteer programs.

So, by taking care of yourself and giving yourself the opportunity to shine and reach your full potential, you are also taking part in caring for others and make them feel better.

© Santie Troppoli 2017 | Copyright on photographs on this page: Santie Troppoli The images have been rescaled and adapted for the web. CC Attribution Source: