Do you want to shine and reach your full potential?
Have you ever been driving somewhere and you then realised that you have arrived at your destination, but do not remember anything that happened on the way? Maybe you’ve started eating a bag of snacks and suddenly, you realise that what you have is an empty bag in your hands? Well, you’re not the only one. This happens to many of us.
These are examples of not being attentive to the moment and going on autopilot. When we are on autopilot our mind starts to wander, jumping from one thought to another, and is not present in our daily life.
Different studies show that we spend 46.9% of our time on autopilot and, that a mind that wanders is not a happy mind.
The modern digital world we live in means we are so busy and constantly connected, it is very, very easy, to live a life on automatic pilot. Therefore, a pretty unhappy life.
Focusing on your life through Mindfulness
Mindfulness means turning off autopilot mode, and being attentive at every moment to your thoughts, to the bodily sensations, to people and to what is around you.
However, it does not consist in being attentive and maintaining attention in any way.

Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced meditation into the West through the medical system more than 30 years ago, and founded the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. He defines Mindfulness in the following way:
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”
Mindfulness and its benefits
More and more studies demonstrate the benefits of practicing Mindfulness. Here you can see how it can help you in different areas of your life.