

My name is Estela Quesada Zuheros, Mindfulness and Personal Development Coach.
I am a motivated, passionate and innovative Human Resources professional, who deals with change and challenges with a positive attitude and proven success.


I believe in the capacity of human beings to grow, to be able contribute as best they can. Through combining my Human Resources consulting experience, and sharing a different way of living with you, it will allow us to ‘be’ in a world of continuous doing.

Plenicidad - Sobre Estela Quesada Zuheros

There is no doubt in my mind that to be a leader, it is necessary to be the leader in your own life first.

Life presents challenges and difficulties that appear differently for each one of us, but these challenges are things that unite us as human beings who LIVE.
I am sure that complete happiness cannot be achieved by a person all on their own, and this is why I truly believe that the key to happiness and fulfillment lies in sharing it with others.

I have always been interested in personal growth, learning and discovering everything that can contribute to making our lives and our world a little better.

I am not a tenacious practitioner of a particular religion or discipline. I live in the real world, and my initiation into Mindfulness also happened under circumstances in which many of us live today.

Mindfulness allows us to be, to access being as a part of a whole. Living in a a more fulfilling way, focussed on the present moment, conscious and connected, allowing ourselves to reach our full potential.

In this spirit, PLENICIDAD began. I hope you find this page interesting, and we that can meet in person to share moments of Plenicidad together.

A little more about Estela


  • Teacher Advancement Intensive (TAI): Professional certification for MBSR teacher, Brown University (USA), instructed by Lynn Koerbel y Ana Arrabé. December 2018.

  • Insight Dialogue: certified by Insight Dialogue – Metta Programs a Gregory Kramer program, instructed by Florence Meleo-Meyer y Phyllis Hicks. November 2018.


  • MBSR Fundamentals Teacher Training Certificate, Center for Mindfulness at University of Massachusetts, instructed by Lynn Koerbel and Ana Arrabé. December 2017.
  • Advanced Degree in Personal Development y Leadership, certified by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid. October 2016 – July 2017
  • Coaching for Personal and Professional Development, Instituto de Desarrollo (Madrid). January – July 2017.
Plenicidad - Sobre Estela Quesada Zuheros - Thich Nhat Hanh
  • MBSR Mind-Body Medicine. Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts, Training program for official MBSR, instructed by Saki Santorelli and Florence Meleo-Meyer. September 2016.
  • Personal Mastery Academy. July 2016. Toronto (Canada). Instructed by  Robin Sharma, Author of international bestseller, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
Plenicidad - Sobre Estela Quesada Zuheros - Robin Sharma
  • Expert in Mindfulness in the Context of Health. University Complutense Madrid and Nirakara Mindfulness Institute. October 2015 – June 2016
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). University Complutense Madrid and Nirakara Mindfulness Institute. October 2015 – December 2015
  • Postgraduate Degree in Labour Science, University of Granada. September 2004 – June 2006.
  • Undergraduate Degree in Tourism, University of Granada. September 2001 – June 2004.